The types of hair loss
Hair Loss Types |
The 17 types of hair loss is described. |
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Temporary hair loss |
The organization has some kind of external or internal consequences of disease, for example,tooth. |
Symptomatic alopecia |
Serious diseases such as. skarlát, tífusz, agyhártyagyulladás után fordulhat elõ. scarlet fever, typhoid fever, meningitis may occur after. The toxins produced by pathogens harmful to the hair -root. |
Spotted alopecia |
Backyard balding: Round or oval patches of hair fall. Cause temporary disruption of the hormonal system. The hair falling occurs suddenly. The bald spot shines brightly. |
Early alopecia |
Occurs predominantly in men. Often begins at a young age. |
Temporary alopecia |
Childbirth, major surgery is associated with loss of blood, high in protein deficiency. |
Athropy alopecia |
Dispersed irregular-shaped spots on the head. Accompanied by mild inflammation, followed by skin athropy. Atrophy follicles, the hair no longer grows. Cause unknown. Medical management task. |
Old age for alopecia |
Both sexes lossing hair, usually associated with white hair. |
Toxic alopecia |
The body longer reaching impacts caused by chemical, occupational disease. |
Alopecia areata |
One or more bald patches appear on the scalp. The bald areas are clearly visible in the follicles. |
Monilethrix alopecia |
Occurs in childhood. Suddenly become curly hair, begins to break down. A few millimeters bristles remain.Continue to grow, there is no necrosis. They can not grow to the fibers.Inherited. Daily treatments can help. |
Alopecia universalis |
Whole-body hair loss. The nail is athropy also. |
Alopecia ophiasis |
Occurs primarily in children. Immediate treatment is required. Spreading quickly. |
Adrogen alopecia |
This is called. acquired alopecia. Endocrine disorders, menopause, removal of internal genital organs, |
Alopecia symptomatica |
Continuous stimulation of the body below: infectious diseases, hormonal psychological pressures, certain drugs made weaker or stronger poisoning. After 1-2 months of antibiotic treatment occurs diffusely. |
Trichotillmánia |
Psychological reasons constantly twist the hair of the patient. |
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