Andrea Borsányi hair and scalp analyst

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The types of hair loss

 Hair Loss Types


 The 17 types of hair loss is described.



 Temporary hair loss


 The organization has some kind of external or internal consequences of disease, for example,tooth. 
The hair grower mother cells not destroyed, only to stagnate, the disease had been closed, re-produce.


 Symptomatic alopecia


 Serious diseases such as. skarlát, tífusz, agyhártyagyulladás után fordulhat elõ. scarlet fever, typhoid fever, meningitis may occur after. The toxins produced by pathogens harmful to the hair -root. 
It is characterized by a short period of time the hair falls out. Scalp do not see any abnormality. 
If the root causes go away, the hair back.


 Spotted alopecia


 Backyard balding: Round or oval patches of hair fall.  Cause temporary disruption of the hormonal system. 

 The hair falling occurs suddenly. The bald spot shines brightly.


 Early alopecia


 Occurs predominantly in men.  Often begins at a young age.
AThe inherited predisposition, a slow falling  can hardly stop.  Often, genetic causes, but may also increase the adrogén hormone. 
Men forehead for women hair loss Applicant 'means the head.


 Temporary alopecia


 Childbirth, major surgery is associated with loss of blood, high in protein deficiency.


Athropy alopecia


 Dispersed irregular-shaped spots on the head.  Accompanied by mild inflammation, followed by skin athropy. Atrophy follicles, the hair no longer grows.  Cause unknown.  Medical management task.


 Old age for alopecia


 Both sexes lossing hair, usually associated with white hair.
 Occurs more in men, hair loss occurs, then eventually falls out. Can not be cured.


 Toxic alopecia


 The body longer reaching impacts caused by chemical,  occupational disease.


 Alopecia areata


 One or more bald patches appear on the scalp.  The bald areas are clearly visible in the follicles. 
Sometimes the hair visszanõ, but the patch re-appear in another place.  Occur even in the eyebrow, eyelash line, and even beard. 
Is 90% mental, 10% of infection is in the background.  Search foci is necessary.


 Monilethrix alopecia


 Occurs in childhood.  Suddenly become curly hair, begins to break down.  A few millimeters bristles remain.Continue to grow, there is no necrosis.  They can not grow to the fibers.Inherited.  Daily treatments can help.


Alopecia universalis


 Whole-body hair loss.  The nail is athropy also.


 Alopecia ophiasis


 Occurs primarily in children.  Immediate treatment is required. Spreading quickly. 


 Adrogen alopecia


 This is called. acquired alopecia.  Endocrine disorders, menopause, removal of internal genital organs,
v autonomic nervous tension, cause musculatív work is performed.    Europids disease.  Primarily affects women, business woman, the disease is called.


 Alopecia symptomatica


 Continuous stimulation of the body below: infectious diseases, hormonal psychological pressures,  certain drugs made weaker or stronger poisoning.  After 1-2 months of antibiotic treatment occurs diffusely.




 Psychological reasons constantly twist the hair of the patient.

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