Andrea Borsányi hair and scalp analyst

My goal is to explore this website for hair loss, dandruff, greasy sclap and hair not everyday mysteries.

Borsányi Andrea, I am 4 years deal with scalp and hairanalisis.

 Hair and scalpanalyst was made because more than 10 years of chronic scalp problems could not handle, so the question I began to search for an autodidact, and then I met this eminent expert in the area, Anikó Szabó, who not only healed, but also became a mentor.


 My goal: to show the experience through analist usefulness of the general public and the medical activity. Served as a lesson for me, I tried many possibilities, the fact that this activity on a professional level, performed in great need.


. In fact, the hair and scalp disorders show high accuracy problems occurring in the body.  Can give a very accurate picture of how the road look for the claimant not only to the scalp, but the whole body illness / diseases cause / causes.

Most importantly, the inflammation, inadequate functioning of the endocrine system, medication side-effects.

 The scalp disorders are complex.  Indicates that overturned the physical and / or mental status.  The symptoms include hair loss,  balding, little bald patches on the scalp and so on.

 The test method of the scalp and hair follicles of the hair deformations in-depth exploration of diseases, infections through recognition of micrograph.

       The products are delikáltak, only active ingredients using herbs. Of course, the efficiencies vary per company, I am pleased that Hungary is also available to physicians, clinical results, high-use method of treatment is complete, the product.

 THE scalp and hairaanalisis The first step in a successful and dedicated dermatological treatments.


 My experience shows me that, you come to the people, having tried everything, a lot of money and power were thrown out the window (that's what I was). I am thinking of a medical doctor established, the many wonders of vitamins and bőrápolókra surprise, disappointment, and the alternation of hope!  


 Layman's way of trying to manage symptoms but do not know that this can only aggravate the situation. He did not know the reason for the causal factors

 Not to mention too many and often misleading information, which are periphrastic in the public mind for a purpose: to buy. Ezt egyed azt kenjed. That would put any individual.

 Me as a specialist and former scalp patient (who has eaten it all, and anointed) felháborít.

 This order and to achieve my goal to reverse that, once a year to go to a fejbőranalitikushoz, which will examine the scalp and hair follicles. Be as natural as we go to the dentist.

 My intention with this summary is to be increased to a level hairanalisis as the first aid to the scalp to detect infectious diseases.


 I would like to draw the attention of physicians and society to the fact that anyone who deals with this undertaking, so only deserves the respect and recognition.  Of course, the branches, where working professionals who have depth and experience-based learning curriculum, with the utmost precision.


 My work and more people want to help, because I know how much physical and psychological burden associated with scalp of any change.

 Expert to answer questions ,   www.nőiportá , pages.


 Completed secondary school nurses and health practices are also predestined for professional discipline.


 Fills me with great pride that good doctors can tell my colleagues who have expertise in helping my guests, and healing.


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