Andrea Borsányi hair and scalp analyst

My goal is to explore this website for hair loss, dandruff, greasy sclap and hair not everyday mysteries.




 IF YOU ARE SO hair loss, they will stay on this page.


 SO THEN I promise you will feel.



 Now let us talk a little bit of layers  hair loss!  I found that this fundamental problem.  Almost all the guests, the first sentence, that the hair falls.

You should know that the hullás always a symptom.  But what is meant by hair loss during the fall and why the hair?


   What is your hair?

 No different than keratin.  

 The hair is lifeless, organic matter, which constitute the main component of a protein, keratin, which is 85, is present in 90%. A hajszál három rétegből épül fel. The hair is structured in three layers.  Inside of the hair, composed of medulla, which is not always found.  The middle layer of the cortex, cortex, this ensures the hair thickness, strength, color, and the frizz as well. The outer covering of the hair cells of the cuticle flat situated tetőcserépszerűen form.  This colorless thin layer of the cortex responsible for protection against harmful influences.


 1000 magnification of a hair




 Why does the hair fall?

The hair growth is under genetic and hormonal control.. The hair is never a specific individual problems.  You're the only symptom. Are you sure there is something internal and scalp problems can upset the normal condition.                                                                                              

  The scalp hair is part of the BULBUS a seat in the hair follicle. The hair follicles in the skin epithelium  under the skin, this lower part of the hair bulbus/ percutaneous papilloma .The papilla  with plenty of tissue, located on the surface due to matrix cell rapid proliferation of hair growth.  Hair is nourished by the living and the capillary part of the hair follicles which surrounds the papillae.

             The hair growing phase, because the hair follicles growth, transition and recovery phases they go through.

 Growing, or Anagen (active phase) phase:

 The hair is the longest life cycle of the three.  The Anagen phase, the papilla rapidly divide mátrixsejtjei.The new cells are gradually pushed higher in the older ones, which are cornified and powerful hair come gradually to the surface. 3-6 years for men and women 4-7 years.


Katagén temporary or phase:

 The transitional phase of rapid cell division ceases, the hair growth stops.  The hair bulb gradually separated from the hajszemölcstől, this removes a nutrition-content, and the hair will move upwards in the follicles.. This is the period from 2, 3 weeks and the hair takes place just 2, 3% of the affected.  During this period the hajtüsző size is significantly reduced.  The follicles and hair follicles start atrophy.



 Resting or telogen phase:

The last section of the papilla has ceased its operation for 3 months. The hairs 10 and 15% of the offers so that the recovery period after a new round to start.  Then again hajszemölcs activated, start a new life in the hair, which is the first step to finally push out his predecessor.

 The scalp analyst an enormous help in understanding this process, because we perform a so-called.  Trichogramm study, 50 when he pulled hair from different locations and time periods of the bulbs regrouping. AResults The percentage share issue, to the extent of hair loss.




              Hair Loss MANAGEMENT



   The spirits of hair against hair loss prevention services.  Provides scalp and hair follicles of the nutrient supply.  Does not dry out the scalp and hair.  Antioxidants, scalp and hair follicles to prevent the premature atrophy.

 Added to the Bel-Cap Shampoo Base t

 Active ingredients: 

 Ordinary juniper, sage, Aloe Barbadensis, Angelica root, ginger, rosemary, big family, saffron, panthenol, mint, glucosamine glycan.


 After washing towel dry scalp Draining the two pipette solution and prepare a 5-minute massage after the haircut.

 Not to be rinsed out!


Tones the scalp, cleans the follicles, supplies oxygen to the hair follicles. Kills harmful bacteria that feeds the entire scalp and hair follicles.  This prevents hair loss, remove it.

 Active ingredients:

 Sage, thyme, hyssop, juniper, nettle, Aloe Barbadensis, peppermint, burdock, calendula.

E, F vitaminok. E, D vitamins.


 Before wash: The shaken 2-4 pipettes material  very carefully  the scalp before washing. 

 AFTER wash:Bel-Cap Base Shampoo hair twice with washing, and then after washing the scalp hair to dry.  This is 2-4 pipette removing oil, 5 minutes after the massage effect on Leave for at least 10 minutes.  Whether there can be left overnight on the scalp.

Együtt alkalmazható a Bel-Cap Mask-kal, Olio Protettivo-val, Mineral Ampulla-val. Taken together with the Bel-Cap Mask, respectively, with Protettivo Olio, Mineral Vial with.  Thoroughly washing out.

 Each oil combined, the Bel-Cap hajfürdőhöz may also be added.

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